Payday Lie

As I said previously, I might disturb Shakespeare in his long and peaceful sleep.
But, I had to! I must do!

I apologise for any grammar mistakes, bad language etc. I have warned you. It was in French, I know. But it was a warning.

Après toutes ces années en Angleterre, mon anglais boitille! Il souffre, les anti-inflammatoires ou le Paracétamol à 40p ne suffisent pas pour le soulager”

“After all these years in the UK my English limps! It is in pain, it can’t be relieved by any anti-inflammatories and 40p Paracetamol”.

(Apologies my second “M” in “anti-inflammatoires” has been eaten by the dog – I will be more careful next time)

So please be indulgent and kind with my poor English knowledge! Yes, for once, I assumed and will communicate the best I can while searching for the meanings I want to give to this platform. No complex and be ME by all means!

My comment box is open to any suggestions, corrections and thoughts. Please do!

Payday lie! 

Every last working day of each month, something strange happens on my bank account.
By midnight a ghost, a system glitch: an illusion.
Money, pounds arrive on my account and by the end of the day … nothing!
The money disappears.
I have no time to enjoy the sight of it, no time to touch it, no time to dream of it, no time to spend it.
Payday is a lie!
The problem is prior this day, my inbox have been inundated with emails from X, Y and Z.
Commercial emails. Yes, I’ve signed up to a multitude of Newsletters. Why? Maybe it’s the masochist side of Myself.

I am not really a masochist. No, I won’t go there!

So, on these emails you can read for example:

“All the PAYDAY feels “
“Celebrate Pay Day Weekend ”
” Payday power ”
“Payday Pizza Anyone?”

Voilà! Offers, offers and offers!

The Visa is ready and you starting making plans.
You wake up (even if you were not asleep) and a slap in your face!
No, no, no! It’s a lie.

You have been working nearly 200 hours, sweating, aching and YOUR MONEY has been taken away from you by Bills and THE Lender. How is this fair?
It is life, my life and your life! Maybe…
Small jobs, small salary! Life is an everyday struggle for some, for me. But to be fair, this money has been used for a good purpose.  I have paid my mortgage, food and a few bills.

The next day you forgot and start again.  Metro, boulot, Dodo: the same routine! And you just remember, the days when you were dreaming of this routine.

I’m smiling…

7 thoughts on “Payday Lie

  1. That is the reality for many as V said. Many of us are just working to pay the bills and enjoy what little pleasures we can here and there. I look forward to it LOL even though it seems to fly by so quickly. 🙂

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